Open Thread Wednesday 8/1/12

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

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  • DrewB

    Finger pointing aside, that particular Cadman Plaza Post Office is really bad! The supplies are always empty, the pens are non-existant or empty, the employees are abrasive and it is always crowded. At the old one they at least had funk music playing over the loadspeaker so you could boogie in line :) No it is jsut depressing. That’s why I avoid dealing with them as much as possible. However the USPS still offers the cheapest overnight and two-day delivery.

    My wife sells jewelry on etsy and sends out 5-10 packages a week. She always uses USPS priority mail. The flat rate boxes are cheap and effective. You can print the labels at home and drop them in any mailbox.

    UPS is better for other larger packages, but it is clear that you save a lot by printing the label yourself. They will also pick up for free, which is convenient. If you MUST use ups overnight for some reason, it is WAAAAAAY cheaper to get an envelope, print the label at home and drop it in a drop box. There are several UPS drop boxes in the hood and they are listed on the UPS website.

  • WillowSt.Neighbor

    I completely agree with you regarding the post office. I only use the machines when I go. The people are really nasty and not helpful at all. There are times when there are no priority boxes in the entire place. I once asked a supervisor about the lack of boxes and she said that people take them!!!! Of course people take them. That’s what they are there for. Her job is to make sure that the stock is replenished. Possibly no one ever told her what her job description was!

  • David on Middagh

    Errr…. I think he meant that people steal priority mail boxes, turn them inside out, and use them for their lowdown, non-priority tasks.

  • weegee

    SNL set its post office sketch at none other than our humble branch a few years back.

    I miss it when it was in the other end of the building.

  • BH’er

    has anyone noticed the small white bags accumulating on Pierrepont Place? There are 7 full bags lining the curb from Pierrepont to Montague…

    Keep an eye out!

  • Mr. Crusty

    WillowStNeighbor suggesting that all postal workers are “really nasty” would be similar to saying all Brooklyn Heights residents are obnoxious snobs. Both of course would be ridiculous assertions even though we can easily find examples in each category.

    There are approximately 600,000 postal employees. What percentage do you think you have personally encountered to make such a broad judgement? I would guess in the area of .00008%

  • erin

    don’t want my trashcans to be an eyesore for the neighborhood any longer. shopping around for a storage unit for my 3 trashcans. any recommendations?

  • WillowSt.Neighbor

    Mr. Crusty,
    Pardon me but did I say ALL postal workers were nasty. I think not. Better get your glasses checked.

  • Willowtowncop

    I suspect the percentage of completely useless postal employees is roughly the same as the percentage of completely useless police department employees. If I were in charge, I would fire 50% of uniforms and 95% of civilians and the police department would run 100% better than it does now.

  • hicks st guy

    that’s a strong statement, WillowTC, and coming from you is something to think about.

  • JustANeighbor

    Lauren, thanks so much for sharing the article – that was a fun read!

    SMILE everyone.. Yeesh.