Karl Goes Foraging with Tony of Noodle Pudding

Mr. J and his cam go with Tony of Noodle Pudding to the Hunt’s Point market in the Bronx, where Tony shows what’s available and how he curates selects the ingredients for the dishes on his menu. Then it’s back to the restaurant to taste the day’s gleanings. Having sampled ramps for the first time yesterday, your correspondent is glad someone likes them. Videos and more text after the jump.

We then get into the secrets of Tony’s “trust me” menu which, trust me, I’m eager to try based on Karl’s video. I’ll just say I’m allergic to ramps. Also, it’s good to know that there’s a happy ending to the story of Jack and Diane.

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  • AEB

    Excellent, Karl! And let’s hear it for tango accompaniments!

    The idea of a Trust Me menu is a fine one.That it seems available only some of the time is a further recommendation, as that indicates that best, “talking to me” ingredients aren’t always available.

  • Carlotta

    Kudos to Karl for fine reporting and to Tony for his excellent food. It is clear to see why his food/restaurant is so popular. We are very fortunate to have both these men in our midst.

  • Hicks St Guy

    that was really well done, thank you, Karl.

  • Karl Junkersfeld

    Thanks you guys. Since the BHB is basically a volunteer effort, my only renumeration are your kind comments. Thanks again, I truly appreciate it.