Open Thread Wednesday 11/30/11

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

BHB Photo Club pic by aloucha via Flickr

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  • Tclinton11201

    re: tripoli, they were opened last weekend. they have odd hours / days, sometimes closed on random nights… maybe you caught them on one of these days

  • JoeAlba

    Calling the police on your neighbor whom you believe may be smoking pot is certainly not going to accomplish anything other than making your neighbor mighty annoyed with you. The police are not going to be able to do anything at all and they will be equally annoyed that you called them for such a trivial matter of which they have zero authority to address.

    Why don’t you trying talking to your neighbor instead and hope for some voluntary compliance? Tell him/her of your concerns about your child and see if there is any mutually agreeable solution.

    You say in your post that you

  • hicks-ter

    Anyone looking for cleaning help? I have a great cleaning lady who’s seeking more work.

  • Capulet

    A pot-smoking, college student correctly pointed out to me the other day that plastic is organic, as is everything made with molecules containing Carbon and a combination of Hydrogen, Oxigen and Nitrogen atoms. Hydrocarbons, as in petroleum and its derivatives are organic, and so are chloryde hydrocarbons (i.e. insecticides) and acids. Booze is organic too.

  • tully13

    Hickster — I am looking for a cleaning person. How much does she charge? How long have you been using her?

  • Soulman

    So TiLi, what did you get? Don’t mind the cranky trolls on this list (Tutt, Tutt). Izzy says hello.

  • Heightsguy

    I am determined to get a free range, organic, locovore, sustainable, environmentally friendly , community-based Xmas tree! A free range tree is hard to find!

  • BH’er

    I don’t know where to start…

    Organic xmas trees?? You should really try the HGH trees – they’re so tall! @Capulet is so on the money – guarantee that every product sold today that is marked ‘organic’ has a marketing officer that confirmed it contains either C, N, O, or H …. cha-ching! Raise the price!

    As for Smokey… you really should have just knocked on your neighbor’s door before going to the co-op board!! I’d bake him some brownies and deliver them with a six pack or two around 4:20 on Saturday to try to make amends… guarantee he’s friendly

    Hickster – can you post information for your cleaning lady? this place could use some elbow grease!

  • hicks-ter

    @Tully: I pay $80 for a one-bedroom apartment, and she’s very thorough. I’ve only been using her for a short time, but previously a friend of hers had been my cleaning lady for 10 years.