Open Thread Wednesday 10/5/11

What’s on your mind? Comment away!

BHB Photo Club pic by tscola via Flickr

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  • nystrele

    fireworks were once a keen novelty over the east river, but what’s the deal with multiple blasts every week? no longer amusing… particularly since it scares the bejesus out of my poor mini schnauzers abby & spencer. can anyone shoot anything any time they choose? kind of over it…

  • Teresa

    I hadn’t been to Henry’s End in about a decade…didn’t love it last time I was there, thought it too meat/game heavy.

    Went back last week and LOVED it. Menu was more varied, nice wine list, great dessert. What a gem. I feel like I’ve spent 10 years missing out on something terrific.

  • DrewB

    When I first moved to the Heights (May 2000), the skies were filled with fireworks nearly every weekend during the summer. Sometimes multiple times a week. The surprise displays were one of my favorite things about the neighborhood. I remember one time we were having an engagement party for friends and the skies suddenly erupted with color. It was magical. I miss those days.

  • Janeonorange

    The first sound of the fireworks, while startling, always holds the promise of beauty–love them (even if my son has been terrified by them on multiple occasions). BTW–anyone know what happened at Ann Taylor Loft and Montague/Court? So much activity for 9am!

  • DrewB

    Still curious what is being done to the facade at 1 Brooklyn Bridge Park. They’ve been working on it for weeks Waterproofing? Re-pointing? I can also see them working on the windows. It appears they are working on the caulking. Anybody now what the deal is?

  • AEB

    Am I hallucinating (more than usual), or has the word PEAKS been painted in on the 20 Henry structure?

    If so, this leads me to believe that the building won’t be cleaned as part of the renovation–feh!

  • Livingston

    Since Teresa brought up Henry’s End, I though this might be of interest — I received an e-mail from Heights Chateau yesterday saying that Henry’s End is doing a 6 course wild game dinner w/ wine pairings on Oct. 18. Price is $100. Reservations required. Contact: 718-834-1776

  • weegee

    Jane: Ladder 118 involved in an accident at Montague St. & Court St. this morning; one minor injury to a civilian.

  • JM

    Wondering if anyone has any personal recommendations for window replacements in their apartments (the whole window casing, not just glass). Any personal recommendations (or warnings!) most welcome.

  • Master Of Middagh

    I saw that when I went to the bank an hour or so ago, weegee. It appears as though a van jumped the curb and went onto the sidewalk and hit the building to the left of HSBC. It appeared as though the paramedics were treating someone who had been struck by the vehicle and run into the side of the wall. I’ve little doubt we’ll see further information posted to this site.

  • mlo

    JM -are you in alandmark bldg? do you know whether you have to have landmark approval for your windows? You shoudl find out before ordering anything. If you are repairing the existing window you are fine but if you are replacing the window and in a landmark bldg you will need landmark approval. I have had all windows replaced on my brownstone, front and back of building. My job was a tremendous custom order-I used Bay Ridge Windows – was happy with the work, instalation and price, they worked with us for landmarks, etc. Went with Marvin -double pane & e-glass windows. I am very pleased with the quality.
    I’ve recommended Bay Ridge Windows to several other neighbors and aquaintenecs and everyone’s been satisfied.

  • JM

    mlo- not in landmark building so that’s one less headache, but my windows are pretty large and had a couple of them replaced a while back and the springs broke within 2 yrs and seals started going on the double panes etc. Thanks for the recommendation…much appreciated!

  • A Neighbor

    I have two large panes in brownstone windows that need to be replaced. Can anyone recommend someone to replace broken glass panes? Several of the local glass stores I’ve called are clearly not interested in small jobs.

  • gc

    On the subject of windows- I have 2 very large windows that are virtually impossible to reach from the outside for cleaning. Was thinking of replacing the glass with self cleaning glass. Anyone have any experiences or recommendations?

  • Cranberry Beret

    Jm, are you in Brooklyn heights? Just curious why posting here if not. Almost all buildings in the neighborhood are part of the landmark district.

    Fireworks – biggest problem with late evening isn’t that they scare the kids but they want to get out of bed to watch! Ymmv with dogs.

  • GHB

    What difference does it make where JM lives? He (or she) is just looking for recommendations.

  • Willow St. Neighbor

    I agree with you. Who cares where JM lives. Whose to say where anyone lives who posts to this blog as most of us post anonymously.

  • Tclinton11201

    and talking landmark district, still can’t believe that atrocious condo (and expensive) on Clinton and Remsen is being built…

  • grumpy bert

    looking for movers for a small project, any recommendations?

  • DrewB

    I think that Clinton is the boundary of the Landmark district, and that building that is east of the intersection is not included. It may be included in the newly created “Downtown Skyscraper” landmark district, but would have begun construction before that designation and therefore would be grandfathered in. It’s a shame, because it is seriously ugly.

  • DrewB

    @ GC. I don’t know anything about self-cleaning windows, but I do know about Camelot (212-568-0058). They send over these crazy Russian dudes that stand on my 3″ deep brick window ledge 5 stories up and clean our windows. I’m pretty sure they can clean just about any windows that open, or can be accessed from above or below.

  • Tclinton11201

    good point Drew, however not even sure the monstro condo would qualify as skyscraper as it looks wider than it is tall…

  • Karl Junkersfeld

    My hero Steve Jobs died today. Just read it on the NYTimes site. Very sad. A true American hero.

  • Eddyenergizer

    Sad news indeed, he was only 56.

  • Ari


    No offense, but hero? An American hero? A true American hero?

    Marketing genius, innovator, inventor, cultural icon, but an American hero?

  • Eddyenergizer

    Ari, first definition from the dictionary:

    hero |ˈhi(ə)rō|
    noun ( pl. -roes)
    a person, typically a man, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities : a war hero.

    I would say Steve Jobs easily fits the definition.

  • nabeguy

    Ari, one question. What did you type your post on?

  • Karl Junkersfeld

    When I think of Steve Jobs, the first person that comes to mind is Thomas Edison. Define him as you wish. There is no question that he has affected my life drastically as I type on my iMac to write this message and listen to my iPod as I walk to the local coffee shop and pull out my iPad to catch up on the news with my Java. A great American innovator Walt Disney also comes to mind in connection with Jobs and Pixar. What a great loss.

  • Karl Junkersfeld

    One other note, I went to the opening night for Bevacco and enjoyed a tremendous dinner at a good price. I had Scallops in black ink tempura (unreal I highly recommend), with lobster ravioli in a great sauce, a pasta plate with a sort of linguini/spaghetti with crispy garlic that was to die for. Only $10 and a meal in itself. Lastly, as a main course, we had Branzini that was filleted and melted in my mouth. If this restaurant isn’t a tremendous success then I just don’t get it. It has great atmosphere and the food is fantastic. On yea, and the service was perfect. I LOVE BEVACCO.

  • Wrennie

    So Bevacco is officially open to the public? Great! Can’t wait to try.