It’s $2 to ride the pretty merry-go-round known as Jane’s Carousel in its new home in Brooklyn Bridge Park. The amusement ride, famously restored by Jane Walentas and encased in a brightly lit glass building, is originally from Youngstown, Ohio. Today, a group of residents from that humble town visited the antique ponies encased in glass and we hope they got free rides! They were led by Joan Yanchick, who DUMBONYC reports was so moved by a CBS Sunday Morning piece on that she rallied 100 neighbors to take a long bus trip to check it out.
This is not the first time Yanchick has come to DUMBO to revisit the carousel of her youth. The Youngstown folks visited in 2008 as well.
DUMBONYC: The current building doesn’t allow for regular rides due to space restrictions. But the Youngstown residents were given a ride on the carousel and were overcome with pure joy and nostalgia back in time when the carousel was in their ‘backyard’. That’s something we don’t see too often in NYC. Jane’s hope is to give the kids in NYC the carousel in their own ‘backyard’, the Brooklyn Bridge Park, with the same look of pure joy someday. Unrelated to the visit, The Jane’s Carousel’s new website was just launched at