WTC Freedom Tower Peeks Through From BK Promenade

Amid the speeches, TV specials and media coverage surrounding the 10th anniversary of 9/11, here’s a sign of hope that Brooklyn Heights residents can literally see: The WTC Freedom Tower has at last peeked through the horizon from the BKH Promenade. A glorious sight…

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  • Karl Junkersfeld

    FWIW, the name Freedom Tower has been banished and thankfully, the current name is “One World Trade Center”.

    I’m happy they are just letting it stand on its own merits rather than being co-opted as a political slogan. It is supposedly, 1776 feet high (get it 1776, a very good year) and cost 2 billion dollars to build. Yes, 2 billion!

    Here is my unedited film on One World Trade Center taken last week.

  • Chuck Taylor

    as long as we stop saying GROUND ZERO, i don’t care what we call it.

  • Willow St. Neighbor

    Just last week I peeked out of the blinds in the bedroom in the middle of the night and saw the WTC. I could not believe it.
    I had no idea that they could be seen from my apartment.
    I thought, WOW, what a magnificent sight!

  • Villager

    Somehow $2 billion sounds like a good deal.

  • Andrew Porter

    “Peeks through” is relative. It’s been visible for more than a year from Fulton Ferry, and for several months from the north Heights, where tall buildings like 60 Pine and the Chase-Manhattan Plaza obscure it. It’s already the tallest building in lower Manhattan, just not that visible from BH, where because of so many tall buildings east of the site, it’s had to tower above everything else.