I’m Looking Through You

BHB Photo Club pic by clarknt67

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  • clarknt67

    I’m honored that my photo got picked today.

    Funny story: I took this picture years ago. I was just walking through the Heights and saw the moment. I took the BH House Tour this weekend, and this house was one of the houses featured, which was cool.

    Being a bit of snoop, I’d been checking out everyone’s family photos. Now, when I got to the master bedroom, I was shocked to find THIS picture, framed and placed on their dresser!

    I do remember it had crossed my mind, I should perform a mitzvah and drop a copy off for the homeowners. I’m assuming I did, although I don’t remember doing it.

    I’m glad they apparently appreciated it.

  • Annette

    I don’t know if that’s a recent photo, but it looks like Lucy from Hicks Street (Alan & Barbera’s the same house as the George Clooney/Coen Bros movie and this past weekend’s house tour).

    Lucy was the *favorite* friend of my (now passed) Kahlua… he just *adored* Lucy, and sometimes used to steal her ball, much to Alan’s dismay. I wondered if Lucy was still around (I no longer live in the area), and hope this is her…

  • clarknt67

    It is Lucy. I don’t know if she’s still around, as I took that photo more than 4 years ago.

  • Annette

    I thought I recognized her… Sadly, I don’t think she’s around, but I hope I’m wrong. I, too, was on the house tour and, knowing this was their/her house, looked for evidence of Lucy, finding only framed photos (I didn’t see ths one, though).

    If she has crossed to the Rainbow Bridge, I have no doubt my much-loved Kahlua and his Mom Bailey were there to greet her and make her feel welcome.