Brooklyn Heights Resident Bjork Nabs Spot on Worst Dressed List

AOL’s Wonderwall blog “honors” Brooklyn Heights resident/alternative diva Bjork with a place on its Undressed 2010: The Year in Bad Fashion List:

Wonderwall: You Got to Know When to Gold ‘Em, Know When to Fold ‘Em: Poor Bjork. Wear a stuffed swan to one lousy Oscar ceremony and suddenly everyone expects you to be draped in bird carcasses for the rest of time. There’s so much more to the innovative Icelandic musician than plushie-based avian attire. Just look at the groundbreaking work she’s doing with gold leaf, origami and superfluous vacuum attachments. Genius. Pure genius.

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  • nabeguy

    Yikes! She looks like she fell into Cash4Gold’s smelting pot!

  • Andy

    I didn’t realize she lived in Brooklyn Heights

  • AL

    Who cares?

    Homer, I’m a fan of yours but think this post is beneath you and this wonderful blog you created.

  • Andrew Porter

    Where’s the swan???