What’s Up at 81 Columbia Heights?

A BHB tipster writes:

something is going down at 81 columbia heights on the corner of cranberry for the past hour. 2 cop cars 3 unmarked cars..saw a few cops on the roof in uniform and a gaggle of plain clothes cops run in and out of the building…the ones on the street keep pointing at the roof. I heard them yelling that something was on the cranberry side…que pasa?

Update: Nothing going on there as of 7PM.  Sources tell us that this could have been a residential burglary investigation.

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  • Publius

    I was told by a resident there that there were at least two burglaries this afternoon.

  • cranberry

    scary… i live across the street and am home alone during the day a lot…i always worry but tell myself stuff like that doesn’t happen around here.

  • Denial

    Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

  • http://adsformyself.blogspot.com Tim N.

    Robberies. We’re up at 129 CH and there were police up there, too. There’s been a rash of robberies around there. They get in on the roof and then go down the fire escape, at least according to the police we talked to.

    Might want to lock your rooves (roofs?).