Kayakersfelding, the Brooklyn Bridge Park Remix

Karl Junkersfeld’s video of kayaking in Brooklyn Bridge Park has inspired me to create this “remix” (as I believe is the vernacular).  Please do not watch if you are sensitive to “street language” laid down by comedians pretending to be rappers.

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  • AEB

    So…Karl was on a boat?

  • Karl Junkersfeld

    Look at me, I’m the King of the World. This is Sea World. This is as real as it gets. Arms spread wide on a summer bow. Brooklyn, I’m on a boat.

  • mbutz

    Poor Taste . . bad remix. Way too street and way to vulgar. What was the point? Just to hear the “F” word – or maybe calling women
    “bitches” again.

    Your second musical choice was sweet, silly and engaging – why the crap in the first? It is the same story.

  • nabeguy

    AEB, not only was he on a boat, he was filming and taling through the whole trip…you might say it was karl-yakking.

  • AEB

    nabe, was goofing on the fact that the member of the School of Athens who provides lyrical accompaniment to Karl’s Excellent Adventure seems to be stuck in a certain boat groove.

    But you knew that.

  • the Where

    @mbutz – you clearly miss the reference and the joke. most likely you’re still angry that Mike Douglas left the Kay Keyser group back in the day.

    I’M ON A BOAT.

  • since47

    Uh – my wake-me-up pot of coffee suddenly became redundant.

  • Remsen

    Nice! Good job Karl!

  • Karl Junkersfeld


    Can’t take credit. Our editor and chief, Homer Fink deserves all the kudos.

    Must admit, it woke me up in the morning also. Very funny stuff.