Heights Resident Gabriel Byrne Named Ireland’s Cultural Ambassador

Local resident and actor Gabriel Byrne has been named Cultural Ambassodor for his native Ireland.

The Irish Times: TAOISEACH [PRIME MINISTER] BRIAN Cowen yesterday injected unexpected glamour into St Patrick’s Day festivities by announcing the appointment of Gabriel Byrne, the Irish actor, as Ireland’s new cultural ambassador.

“Gabriel Byrne is an internationally renowned, award-winning actor and is already well established as one of Ireland’s great ambassadors through his work in film and theatre,” Mr Cowen said in a statement.

BHB extends hearty congratulations to Ambassador Byrne.

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  • jellen

    Gabriel Bryne lives here? I love him, does he ever come out? Been here 10 years never seen him.

  • Randall

    I’ve seen him, but isn’t he moving out of BH?

  • GHB

    I’ve seen him out and about, but not as often as Paul Giamatti.

  • st

    @ Randall — Yes, he is.

  • http://selfabsorbedboomer.blogspot.com Claude Scales

    We’ll claim him as long as we can.

  • bhmom3

    Where did you hear he is moving?

  • http://limestonefinancial.blogspot.com/ StephM

    COngrats to Gabriel! Maybe he’s moving to Canada…ya right!

  • http://limestonefinancial.blogspot.com/ StephM


    This’ll take you to the ful article and a pic.