Can’t Touch This

If you're going to deface a STOP sign, at least spell "Hammer" correctly. 
BHB Photo Club Pic originally uploaded by christinabean on Flickr
Now it really is Hammertime:
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  • Brooklyn Enthusiast

    Not only that, but what a lame thing to write. Hammertime is so early 90s.

  • GHB

    Maybe a dude named Hamer wrote it?

  • Qfwfq
  • pbdotc

    why not shrink pics size so it doesn’t destroy your formatting?

  • Homer Fink

    Firefox is your friend.

  • Veritas

    It’s a pretty common thing for people in the street art/tagging movement to put on STOP signs actually…though I think I’ve only seen “Hammertime” so far, never a “Hamertime”.

  • Billy Reno

    So much easier to spell “War”