Byrne Hosts Clinton Fundraiser


Former President Bill Clinton was in Brooklyn Heights last night to attend a fundraiser for his wife Hillary's presidential campaign.  The event was held at nabe thesp Gabriel Byrne's Garden Place brownstone.

According to reports, Clinton sidestepped a question from Malachy McAllister, an Irish ex-pat who is fighting deportation from the United States. In Northern Ireland, he's been charged with the attempted murder of a Royal Ulster Constabulary officer in the 1980s. When asked if he would help McAllister with his troubles, Clinton changed the topic, stressing the need for the cessation of sectarian divides throughout the world.

Clinton added that McAllister should reach out to Senator Clinton's office, however. The senator did "appear" to support McAllister's bid for political asylum, the Irish Echo reported in 2004.

The former president also mentioned that Mrs. Clinton, if elected, would help the nation's youth by fighting global warming. 

Clinton, the first "baby boomer" president drew a crowd worthy of a rock star. The Brooklyn Eagle reports that entire families gathered on Garden Place to "get a glimpse" of him. One resident quipped to the paper, “This is the most exciting thing to happen on Garden Place since Spike Lee filmed here.”

The event raised a reported $200,000 for Senator Clinton's campaign. 

Byrne's new movie Jindabyne is now playing. His new HBO series In Treatment starts production in June.

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