HGTV Covers Brooklyn Heights

HGTV’s Annalisa Burgos chats it up with realtor Zelda Josephs and tours our humble neighborhood.   There are some “interesting” moments, so watch the entire video and comment below.

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  • GHB

    New stores are popping up on Montague? Singling out the laundromat as a “thriving business”? How ’bout an “out of business”?

  • Homer Fink


  • lifer

    “the most civilized neighborhood in NY”

  • Monty

    Zelda showed us an apartment a while back and she was really rude.

  • Curmudgeon

    Brooklyn Heights – a suburban neighborhood?

  • Homer Fink

    @monty would that have made you a Prisoner of Zelda? (Sorry just trying to get nabeguy to like me.)

  • nabeguy

    Cringe. I’m not sure how effective a tactic that will be. Besides Homer, you’re already my hero.

  • Colleen

    Awesome apartment… and the man who lives there is hot, too.

  • nabeguy

    Given that Zelda is the primary agent for 111 Hicks Street, I’m left to worry that such an over-the-top (and outdated) puff piece is making the rounds, as that particular piece of real estate should sell itself. Any guesses as to the specific market this was aimed at? European investors? Disgruntled Park Ave-nites?

  • Mark Joyella


    Fear not! That awesome photography and editing did not go unnoticed. I took notes and I’ll be working to match that level of professionalism on my next Brooklyn Bugle video post.


  • Monty

    @nabeguy, what is the demographic for HGTV? Mostly suburban housewives I think. This is just real estate porn for folks who will probably never set foot in Brooklyn.

  • manahata

    Wow, what a group of bitter posters. I thought this was a wonderful piece.

  • scruffy

    yuppie families? strollers? smiling people? get me outta here!

  • anonymous

    I happen to know quite a few mid-20s hip women who actually enjoy many of HGTVs programs. And some even live in Brooklyn Heights. (gasp!) How about we stop stereotyping and instead make more constructive comments.

  • Umberto

    thank you for “taking me back” to the heights which I left in 1985 and the u. states from 1992.

    I hope to meet some more friends in my next visit to Brooklyn heights from Europe.
    When I am backs I feel I am still in Europe with a flavour touch os america mixed in to it.

    Zelda is one of the two best friends I have left in Hicks street
    greit personality .