Citi Bike Share Day One In Brooklyn Heights And Beyond

After so much whooping and hollering from all sides all sides, the Citi Bike Share program officially launched today, as evidenced by this pic along Hicks at Montague streets—where the newly filled racks extend from the corner at Heights Cafe to J. McLaughlin.

NYC Mayor Bloomberg and Transportation Commissioner Janette Sadik-Khan christened the beginning of program at a docking station near the Brooklyn Bridge Monday morning. Bike-share launches with 6,000 bikes at 330 docking stations in Manhattan and Brooklyn. Some reports claim 9,000 people have signed up for the program so far.

And the reactions from all over the city are trickling in:

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  • Andrew Porter

    I stopped two tourists riding their bikes on the Promenade today, but they were not riding CitiBikes, but rather the rental kind you can get at Pier One.

  • petercow

    First day for bike-share.: Total trips: 6,050. Ave Duration: 20.48 minutes. Miles traveled: 13,768! Cost to taxpayers: 0.

  • petercow

    Meanwhile, at least 2 pedestrians were killed by cars today in Brooklyn. But hey, let’s talk bike-share crap some more..

  • fit4ufor3rd

    this should be entertaining.

  • Arch Stanton

    Really, who are you, some sort of self appointed patrolman?

  • gerrymander

    The software to log bikes in and out seems very buggy. When I went to check out a bike yesterday, the software was rebooting, so no bikes could be obtained for 10 minutes, and when I tried to drop it off, the entire station was down. Also, the online services showing available bikes and docks was completely dead.

  • stuart

    hula hoop 1963 = bike share 2013


    I like the idea of bike share but it bothers me that some big corporation gets to advertise itself for free all over the city & doesn’t have to pay rent to the city for its docking stations. How much rent does the hot vendor on any NYC street have to pay for his spot? Something about this just doesn’t seem right.


    meant to say how much rent does the hot DOG vendor on any street have to pay for his spot while, Citibank gets a free ride.

  • Joe A

    For free? Citibank spent 41 million dollars to sponsor the program. Pay rent for the docking stations? They are providing a service to the city. The program is a joint program between Citibank and the City saving the taxpayers a ton of money in the process.

  • Arch Stanton

    Stuart 1903 “the automobile will never replace the horse”

  • Arch Stanton

    Automobile manufactures get free advertisement all over the world, every car & truck has a logo on it.

    FYI Hotdog vendors don’t pay any rent to the city, only a nominal vendors license fee.