Open Thread: Wednesday May 30, 2012

Tomorrow, May 31, is the birthdate of Brooklyn’s hallowed poet & journalist Walt Whitman. He was born in 1819 in Long Island, but his family moved to Brooklyn when he was 4, and he spent much of his professional life in the Borough. In 1846, Whitman became editor of the Brooklyn Eagle, and contributed freelance fiction & poetry. He was fired in 1848, because his political views clashed with the newspaper’s owner’s.

Whitman’s major work, Leaves of Grass, was first published in 1855. He used his own money to print 795 copies. The widely distributed work was described as obscene for its overt sexuality. Grass was revised several more times until his death in 1892. The collection was hardly a cash cow, and Whitman returned to journalism in 1857, as editor of Brooklyn’s Daily Times. He oversaw the paper’s contents, contributed book reviews & wrote editorials.

Oh, and speaking of editorials… It’s Open Thread Wednesday. What’s on your mind? (Photo: Chuck Taylor)

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  • AEB

    Happy b’day, Mr. Whitman! You did indeed contain multitudes….

  • Still here

    For you bloggers – “Be curious, not judgmental,”; WW

  • Jorale-man

    I thought it was a good gesture to name the new park near the courthouse after Walt Whitman, given that his one-time home was demolished in the 1960s to build the high-rises on Henry Street.

  • km

    Does anyone know who usually plants the baskets on the lamp posts at the Joralemon Hicks intersection? They look so nice when they are filled with flowers..

  • BH’er

    is anyone else concerned about the gas exhaust fumes that linger over the childrens play area at Pierrepont Playground?

    the generator from the ice cream truck is very old and spews dirty exhaust over the whole block all day and into the evening.

    i wouldnt want my child playing and breathing in that smog. it makes me think of the ad on Montague St new stand by City Chemists that introduces us to a smog filter, named Danny

  • EHinBH

    BH’er — I have alwayd hated that ice cream truck. The loud engine runs for hours at a time and ruins the peaceful nature of the hood. A time limit should be imposed as to how long he can (illegally) park there…

  • Bongo

    @BH’er – I’d think that the 6 lanes of BQE, not to mention the 2 lanes of Furman Street are probably more toxic than the Kustard King.

  • DrewB

    That truck is the least of your worries. You may find it annoying, but it can’t be worse than the traffic right below where six lanes sit idle for hours at a time.

  • Silverbee

    I’m surprised there hasn’t been more of a reaction regarding Sinai Medical Group moving into One Pierrepont.

    This is really unfortunate. One of the heights’ best features is its quiet, tree lined streets. Well, you can kiss the quiet goodbye. The neighborhood is going to be just as loud and obnoxious as any in Manhattan.

    Does anyone know if there are existing ambulatory centers around the neighborhood? If so, has siren noise been an issue?

  • She’s Crafty

    @Silverbee, it’s not One Pierrepont Street, it’s One Pierrepont Plaza, which is the building next to the library on what is already a busy commercial street (Court Street).

  • EHinBH

    It is not just a commercial street. A block down there are hundreds and hundreds of people that live on Cadman Plaza — not to mention a park and dog run. Cadman is busy enough. This should have been fought. It is going to be a nightmare.

  • Silverbee

    @she’s crafty. Thanks for the clarification. However, it’s the sirens that I’m worried about, not the congestion. I lived a couple blocks from a medical center in manhattan, and, trust me, the whole neighborhood is going to be hearing sirens 24 hours a day. This is going to have a massive impact on the neighborhood.

  • Mark

    Perhaps if people knew what “Ambulatory Care” meant they wouldn’t be freaking out so much. If does not mean what everyone is assuming it does, that people are only coming in by ambulance. It is not an ER. All it means is people are seen in an outpatient basis (ie, they are treated and released the same day). That is it, nothing more. Just take a deep breath and relax…

  • Lori

    Does anyone know why Oh My Pasta! closed? I see a sign that yet another Sushi restaurant is coming to Montague street…Enough with the sushi!

  • EHinBH

    Can be an ER. Could also be contracted with NYC to be a methadone clinic. It should not be here.

    Ambulatory care is a personal health care consultation, treatment or intervention using advanced medical technology or procedures delivered on an outpatient basis (i.e. where the patient’s stay at the hospital or clinic, from the time of registration to discharge, occurs on a single calendar day).

    Many medical investigations and treatments for acute illness and preventive health care can be performed on an ambulatory basis, including minor surgical and medical procedures, most types of dental services, dermatology services, and many types of diagnostic procedures (e.g. blood tests, X-rays, endoscopy and biopsy procedures of superficial organs). Other types of ambulatory care services include emergency visits, rehabilitation visits, and in some cases telephone consultations.

    Ambulatory care services represent the most significant contributor to increasing hospital expenditures and to the performance of the health care system in most countries, including most developing countries

  • Frank

    Does anyone know how often park grass gets mowed? Cadman park is badly in need of some upkeep. the grass is a foot high.

  • She’s Crafty

    Well frankly, I’m not upset that we will get another alternative to LICH in the area and yes, although there are residential buildings on Cadman Plaza, that is a commercial street, and ambulances already travel down it.

  • Mark

    @EHinBH Good job copying wiki, that added a lot to the conversation.

    Anyway, here is the list of services the new office will offer. None of which are ER or methadone.

    “The Mount Sinai Brooklyn Heights Medical Group will offer primary and specialty care, diagnostic services and urgent care. Specialties include cardiology, dermatology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, general surgery, hematology/oncology, nephrology, neurology, OB/GYN, ophthalmology, orthopedics, pediatrics, plastic surgery, podiatry, rheumatology and vascular surgery. An onsite urgent care center will have walk-in extended hours daily.”

  • EHinBH

    You’ll mind when all kinds of drugged-out freaks come to the hood and end up wondering around all afternoon — and going for a summer A/C break at our wonderful (ha!) library next door.

  • EHinBH

    Thanks, Mark. Exactly. Just wait and see.

  • She’s Crafty

    @EH, take a Xanax. I doubt seriously the corporate tenants in that building would stand for a methadone clinic in there.

  • EHinBH

    They will not have a say. I dont want an Urgent Care Center there either. We already have a hospital in the area (and living near it is hell).

  • PBL

    I really enjoyed my one visit to Catania on Atlantic Avenue, but man, is that place EVER open? Stopped by three more times, twice they were on vacation, then once they were closed with no sign. Is their business in trouble?

  • AmyinBH

    I think a medical clinic that provided plastic surgery is greatly needed in BH.

  • She’s Crafty

    Uh, EH $$ talks. Why are you so paranoid about this?

  • EHinBH

    I have lived on blocks that were once great and then became crap. Health services offices never improves a neighborhood. It’s like a Checks Cashed in my opinion.

  • youralemon

    AT&T service has gotten increasingly intolerable for me in the past week….is anyone else noticing that it has been even worse than bad recently?????

  • PBL

    youralemon, YES! AT&T has been terrible this week, I sent them a public message via twitter which was never answered. My work pays for my cell phone, and AT&T suggested to them that I get a cell booster in my apartment, but I don’t like the idea of a cell tower sitting in my living room.

    It’s always comical when all my friends are online and checking emails, and I check my phone — in the middle of Manhattan sometimes — with zero bars. PATHETIC! Went to Chicago, and it was even worse.

  • North heights res

    I don’t know why, but I never cease to be amazed at the level of unabashed snobbery, classism, and racism of some of the commenters here. Heaven forbid that anyone except white, rich, privileged people set foot in the neighborhood.

  • San

    AT&T has gotten really bad on Joralemon and right around it. 1 to no bars, sometimes “Searching.” Don’t know what has happened but glad my contract is almost up.