Weekend Open Thread 11/9-12/07


Comment away.

One specific item we'd like your thoughts on – the Brooklyn Heights Subway Cyrano… real or hoax? Web designer/nabe resident Patick Moberg and his found galpal Camille Hayton were on ABC's Good Morning America today talking about their meet up. We're starting to smell something fishy here ala LonelyGirl15.  Some of you have already raised the BS flag on this one…

Photo: ABC News

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  • spring

    A friend and I were walking down Livingston last night, between Court and Boerum and we saw a big production truck, caterers, and generally what looked like a film production under way. Asked one of the grips what was being filmed and he said the project was called “Blue Blood” and that Tyrese was in town. Couldn’t find anything on IMDB.com on a project called Blue Blood, but there you have it.