Tag Archives | Twelve Angry Men

Last Minute Weekend Suggestions: Brooklyn Heights and Nearby

Gregory Eaton, Musical Director at St. Ann & the Holy Trinity Church, has brought melody forth from the Church’s 1925 vintage Skinner pipe organ for the past twenty years. On Sunday evening, November 17, starting at 7:00, he will present a concert at St. Ann, located at the corner of Clinton and Montague (enter from […]

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Last Minute Weekend Suggestions: Brooklyn Heights and Nearby

The Brooklyn Heights Cinema will be showing 12 Years a Slave, director Steve McQueen’s drama about a free African American New Yorker kidnapped and sold into slavery, starring Chiwetel Ejiofor and Michael Fassbender, and with a cast including Heights resident Paul Giamatti. The Cinema is also showing Robert Redford’s All Is Lost, in which he […]

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Last Minute Weekend Suggestions: Brooklyn Heights and Nearby

The Heights Players’ production of Twelve Angry Men premieres this weekend at the Players’ playhouse, 26 Willow Place, with performances on Friday and Saturday evenings at 8:00 and Sunday afternoon at 12:00. This now classic drama began life as a television show in the 1950s, was made into a movie (12 Angry Men) by Henry […]

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