“Captain Cleanup” Back on the Job

Your correspondent found the Brooklyn Heights resident known as “Captain Cleanup”, recipient of a 2013 “BHB Ten” award, busy putting white highlights on the “Relay Mail” box at the corner of Montague Street and Pierrepont Place Sunday afternoon.

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  • Effective Presenter

    Thank you Captain Clean Up.

    Years ago a great guy named Lou K., who had been a building superintendent for several buildings in Brooklyn Heights, his wife was always cleaning up the neighborhood, one day we watched, eventually jumped into help her clean up the circle at the end of Remsen Street, near the Patty Duke show house, Mrs. K had pulled out every weed, trimmed overgrown shubs, etc made the place look clean and beautiful with her broome.

  • MaggieO

    check out the fire pull box at Clinton and Cadman Plaza! The gold detailing is gorgeous! I’m guessing this is the person responsible for that as well.