NYT on Brooklyn Heights Jobless

The New York Times reports on how many Brooklyn Heights residents who have found themselves out of work in these tough economic times are banding together:

New York Times: ON a recent Monday evening in the basement of the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Brooklyn Heights, a group of seven local residents gathered to discuss their faith — in the job market.

One woman, who had been laid off from a high-powered job at a local hedge fund, sought advice about the benefits of accepting part-time work. Another participant, a man who had worked more than a decade in the technology industry, wondered aloud whether switching fields would be wise.

At the front of the room, Conrad Cardinale beamed like a proud father. That’s because the group was his idea. Mr. Cardinale was a managing director at Bear Stearns until its collapse in 2008 and, after he was laid off, he set out to expand his professional networks.

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