Two Trees Snail Mail Spam

Letter from Two Trees asking for support

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A tipster sent us this unsolicited letter they received today, from Two Trees Management, asking for support for their Dock Street Dumbo plan. Yelling “IT’S NOW OR NEVER FOR A NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL IN DUMBO AND OUR NEIGHBORHOOD’S FIRST EVER AFFORDABLE HOUSING!”, they ask the recipient to contact David Yassky immediately, and attend a hearing hosted by the NYC Council Subcommittee on Zoning & Franchises on Thursday, May 14th at 11am.

Sound intriguing? Would you like to subscribe to their newsletter? Contact Nora Mattingly at 718-222-2500 or at

Anyone else out there receive this mailing?

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  • No One Of Consequence

    “He explained that he supports the project because of the planned public parking garage. Many of his patrons drive to his store and parking is tough.”

    Again, the pro-side brings only their own selfish interests to the table.
    Good idea to promote more driving. That’s what the world needs.

  • fulton ferry res

    I don’t remember if davoyager specifically disparaged the anti-Dock crowd during his testimony at Borough Hall, but he posted this on 1/28/2009 on this blog, when explaining why there were more oppoents than supporters: “It wasn’t till much later when a rush of transplanted Manhattanites coming home from work who don’t have small children at home crowded out parents I personally know of who didn’t have time to wait around for all the whining to stop so they could make their case in support of the project.” Thank you, Google.

  • fulton ferry res

    And now some comments on Duhvoyagers various commentaries above:

    You assert that the opposition is all DNA and 70 Washington, and yet BHA, Cobble Hill, Fort Greene, Fulton Ferry and Vinegar Hill Associations are all opposed to the project in its present scale. By the way, there were 9 residents from Fulton Ferry who testified at Borough Hall in January, all opposed to the project. Only one could be said to be partially losing a view, but that view is of One Main and the Manhattan Bridge tower, not the Brooklyn Bridge. And only one of us is a recent Manhattan transplant. In this small neighborhood, it is true activism for the greater good, not personal gain.

    You cite “hired consultants” by the opposition, but to my knowledge there is only one consultant, a zoning expert. And how does that compare to the $400,000 in lobbying fees shelled out by Two Trees in the past two years, plus the donations to Quinn and Katz? Really! You make this too easy for me.

    You speak of the traffic issue working itself out (magically I suppose), and the closure of Dock Street during school hours. Are you forgetting the density that 323 apartments will bring to the area, their Fed Ex deliveries, their Fresh Direct, their furniture deliveries, their visitors, etc etc.

    I accept their word that Carlo, Duhvoyager and Publius are not paid shills, and would like those types of allegations to cease from what could be civil discourse on this and other blogs about DSD. In statistics, we sometimes toss aside the highs and lows, or the ends of the spectrum, to get a truer picture. I submit that the same applies here; that, tossing aside the sometimes over-the-top missives from all 3 posters named here, the anti-Dock voices remaining have better arguments than the proponents remaining.

  • The Where

    This thread is getting BORING, STUPID AND BORING.

    The following things WILL happen and you are all powerless:

    A 30 story mixed use tower will be built.
    The magnificent vista of the bridge will not be altered because it was already altered WHEN THEY BUILT THE F—-KING BQE.
    There will be no school.
    DUMBO will grow like SOHO and become just as annoying.
    Unless the adjacent NYCHA houses are demolished, crime will continue to be rampant as the “residents” of these “homes” will continue to prey upon the “residents” of that “neighborhood”.
    Stop commenting now. Go out of the house. Have a nice meal. Have some sex. GET OVER IT.

  • davoyager

    Thank you fulton ferry res for finding that reference. That is what I said and I stand behind it. However as you can see it is a far cry from what I was being accused of saying and where I was being accused of saying it by someone who claimed his jaw hit the floor.
    As for the traffic, it will work out because the DOT and the DOE and other city agencies will work it out. That’s what they do for a living.
    The truth is there were several paid consultants who spoke again st this project including at least one lawyer. I think he said he was a forth generation Brooklynite. I’m sure there is a record somewhere that can back me up.
    On a personal note I congratulate you on your activism, the city needs members of the community to take an interest in various issues but I don’t appreciate the name calling.
    As for my other name calling invective throwing friend the Pub bully: I would submit that as long as you hide in the shadows I don’t see any reason to believe anything you say. You took it upon yourself to out me and proceeded to sneer at my appearance. And the “force of your arguments” consists largely of insults and lies. I do however believe you were telling the truth when you wrote the following “I’m being paid by the spare change left behind in the seat cushions at Jed’s lobbyist’s office. When you get paid north of $180,000 during the past two years to lobby the CB, CPC, and City Council, sometimes all of it can’t fit into one’s pockets and some gold coins fall behind the couch.

    I also get some left over loose change that falls behind the seat cushions at the offices of Councilwomen Quinn and Katz. This is from the money Two Trees has paid through its “employees” to subvert political donation laws limits.”
    A little more truth and a little less invective would be refreshing my friend.

  • No2Walentas2Trees


    You make big assumptions that the DOE and DOT will work things out. They don’t have to work things out in your favor, you do realize that. They could easily say that a School in the location would not work, what then? The building goes up and no school. What would be your position then? Have you considered this as a possibility? These are two agencies that, unless I am mistaken, have yet to weigh in on a School at Dock St.

  • No2Walentas2Trees

    The Where-

    Well, obviously it isn’t boring enough for you to comment.

  • Publius

    Oh Duh, I’ll miss your Doublespeak/misinformation and sad unsuccessful attempts to discredit your opponents.

  • nabeguy

    Sorry to say, but I’m checking out on this discussion, if only because I no longer find the arguments of the DSP proponents worthy of a response. Da, your own words are digging your grave…Carlo, you’re already lying in yours. As for The Where, I can only say WTF? I won’t speak to the issue of whether any of the voices on either side of this argument are paid for their advocacy, as I can only speak from my own heart. I’ve attempted to advance issues that I deemed worthy of thoughtful discussion, and was met with a barrage of ridicule and spurious refutations. I’d love to live in the same “it will be great” bubble as the DSP advocates, but as a native born Brooklynite, I’ve witnessed too many broken promises in this borough at the hands of elected and un-elected officials to trust that this will proposal will rise above the disappointments of the past.
    Da, Carlo, I consider our bantering to be a great example of the kind of rights that set our country apart from the rest of the world. In that spirit of respect, I hope you’ll let me buy you both a celebratory drink regardless of who prevails on this issue.

  • davoyager

    See you round the playground my friend. Let’s hope the good people at the SCA do a good job with the anex and not cause the whole school to collapse in a heap.
    And while at my age I don’t appreciate the “grave” reference, I’ll hold you to that drink.
    Best wishes.

  • Carlo Trigiani


    I appreciate your perspective and sincerely, no hard feelings. Second round’s on me.


  • Publius

    The DUMBO Neighborhood Association has released a fact matrix to cut through the doublespeak and shell game that’s permeated this debate.

    It’s worth a look: