Take the 2009 BHB Reader Survey

We’re always striving to make BHB better.  Help us do that by taking our 2009 BHB Reader Survey.  It’ll take a few minutes of your time but will give us the necessary information to pursue the stories that matter to you the most.  Click here to get started.  Thanks! (Note: There are two pages to the survey, please make sure you fill out both.)

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  • AEB

    Did the survey. Hope my doing so helps….the product!

  • anon

    There’s a problem with the question that asks how long you’ve lived here; if you answer no, it still wants to know how long you’ve lived here!

  • Homer Fink

    @anon – fixed, thanks. If anyone has filled out the survey but had trouble you may go back and amend it.

  • Andrew Porter

    The notation about the BHA “best” serving the area is a loaded one. It may not be the “best”, but it’s pretty much the only neighborhood-wide pressure group.

  • nabeguy

    I concur with Andrew. The question of whether the BHA is “best” is rendered moot by the fact that they’re the only game in town. The question really should be whether we think the BHA could do a better job of addressing Heights issues.

  • MadeInBrooklyn

    Just did the survey, Homer.