Ah! Spring


Spotted last week on the Brooklyn Heights Promenade.

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  • anon

    It’s a shame that poison is used for rat control. Cats, especially Siamese, could make short work of this problem in a way that’s far more humane and natural than strychnine.

    Aren’t there dozens of cats lingering in small cages in shelters waiting to be euthanized? I’ve a better idea, sterilize them and introduce a number of them into the parks.

    Gives them a shot at a better remainder of life and would do the public some good. Cats pose no public health risk and are cute if anything. Win-win for all species involved.

  • Anonmyous

    I second that idea.

  • anon

    It’s not a QOL problem. It’s a public health problem.

    For example, squirrels peacefully co-exist with humans in parks, and pose no QOL problem.

    Rats OTOH, which can bite, are disease carriers that pose a public health problem.

    Cats don’t carry disease, don’t bite or bother people, and even bury their own scat. If sterilized so they don’t proliferate, I fail to see the problem with having some of them in residence at parks in order to take care of rats.

    The solution of putting cats to death in shelters while spreading expensive, deadly poison all over the park where kids and pet dogs play seems like the dumb solution to me.

  • exclark andwillow

    To all the “free the cats to eat the rats” people….just do it! Make the time to go to the nearest pet shelter one day, pay the the fees and get a cat. Next, find the time to get the cat “fixed” and pay the fees. Then find a rat infested area and turn the cat loose. Done……… so humane.

  • anon

    Not so easy to get a cat from a shelter. You have to fill out a lengthy, in-depth, highly personal questionnaire. They call all your references and do an interview, etc.

    My friend started through the process then got fed up with it and just paid a breeder for one. Sad.