Local Hero Saves BQE Cat

Our very own Anne Levin of Brooklyn Bridge Animal Welfare Coalition and the Brooklyn Cat Cafe sprang into action Tuesday to save an injured, stranded cat on the BQE, reports the Daily News.

After learning about the cat from from an animal rescue Facebook post, Levin made her way to the highway where the cat was crouched under the Promenade.


“New York drivers were shockingly polite,” she told the News. “Usually, they stop and honk. Everyone went around us.”

Levin approaching the terrified cat. Photo courtesy Anne Levin.

Levin approaching the terrified cat. Photo courtesy Anne Levin.

BBAWC has taken responsibility for the cat, now named Suzy Q, who is being treated for a broken tail. It will be put up for adoption after it’s had a chance to recupterate in a foster home.

You can donate to the Cat Cafe or BBAWC at their websites, and follow their social media accounts:

Brooklyn Cat Cafe  Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Brooklyn Bridge Animal Welfare Coalition website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram


Read the full story at the News.

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  • Brixtony

    Yay. We got our two cats from Anne and Brooklyn Bridge AWC.

  • B.

    That sort of dedication and courage (navigating the BQE on foot!) calls for a hefty donation to the Cat Cafe.

    Lucky cat. Lucky us.

  • Teresa

    I agree!