Jake Dobkin, king of all Gothamist/Park Slope resident, writes about the controversy around housing at Pier 6 in his “Ask a Native New Yorker” column. It’s witty and well-informed but do you agree with what he’s saying? Here’s a sample:
Gothamist: The Pierhouse Condos currently going up by Old Fulton Street in Brooklyn Bridge Park were similarly protested before the Great Recession. Neighborhood groups argued that the park shouldn’t depend on condo sales and taxes to support itself, and that a luxury building with units priced “from the two millions” is an odious affront to the egalitarian, democratic spirit that our city parks are supposed to embody.
There is something to this! However, that deal is done—the neighborhood did manage to limit the height of the south Pierhouse building to four stories, where it will block less of the view from the Promenade. If you’re still mad about it, think about it this way: when Hurricane Sandy II arrives, these condo buyers will be performing a valuable service to their neighbors further up the hill, absorbing many millions of gallons of fetid East River water in their basement before it can poison the rest of us.
Read the full piece here.