Former TV Star Now Nabe Vocal Coach

The Cincinnati Enquirer reports today on former local TV chat host Gwen Conley, who by many accounts was on the same Star Track as Oprah Winfrey.  She gave "it" all up for life outside of the public eye, but one that has been no less fulfilling.  She's currently a vocal coach here in Brooklyn Heights. 

bilde2.jpgCincinnati Enquirer: The Star Who Vanished: Though Conley's visibility lessened, she never completely left the entertainment world. Today, prospering as a self-employed vocal coach in New York's Brooklyn Heights, she reflects on "Feelings" with mixed emotions.

"When I look back, I was on the cutting edge of all these talk shows," Conley said. "I was a pioneer, and it being new, we could have ridden that to the moon. If I'd had more business sense I'd probably have milked it more. That's not sour grapes, it's just objective.

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