Mulch for the Promenade Gardens

The heaps of brown stuff you may have noticed distributed along the Promenade—or as in this photo at the Montague Street entrance—are mulch to be used on the Promenade gardens. Promenade Gardener Jonanthan Landsman advises us that it will be distributed Saturday morning by a large volunteer group.

(Photo: M. Foley for BHB)

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  • AnnOfOrange

    Invasion of BH by the Blue Man Group?

  • Judy

    Claude, Another good reason why so much mulch was brought here (thanks to the NYC Parks Department) was because the Montague Streed Business Improvement District asked for it, in furtherance of the BID’s ongoing landscaping and streetscape enhancement plans. The mulch is intended to improve the condition of the trees by retaining moisture in those shallow pits and also to give the tree pits a tidier appearance. The guys in blue uniforms were Doe Fund workers, hired and paid for by the BID, who devoted the day yesterday to this tree pit work. Signs will soon will be posted at every tree by the BID to remind residents and visitors that trees need our respect, which means steering dogs away from them.

  • soulman

    Some new wood chips would be a boon to the Hillside Park dog run, which has been neglected for the past year or so. The Parks dept fixed a couple of the benches and planted a few trees, but the ground had turned into a dust bowl in recent weeks. User-volunteers have opened up the entrance so trucks can now get in and there are people eagerly waiting the chance to pitch in and spruce up the park. What’s holding things up?