Hallowed Brooklyn Heights

Clever memories of Halloween just passed, on Grace Court Alley.
See what this bad boy looks like lit up, courtesy of king of all Grace Court Alley Halloween, Peter Steinberg…. after the jump.

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  • Remsen

    Nice job once again Peter!

  • http://www.flashlightworthybooks.com Flashlight Worthy

    Thank you to whoever you are, Remsen. (when “talking” to people here on the blog I never know if it’s someone I know in real life.)

    And really, my wife and I are just the ringmasters. The vast majority of the carving is done by our friends. That said, I will ‘fess up and admit that I carved the Brooklyn pumpkin. ;-)

    Oh, and for those who were wondering how we can afford so many pumpkins, I have a secret source upstate who charged me a *total* of $50 for the entire lot — basically $1 a pumpkin!

  • GHB

    What do you do with ’em all once they start rotting?

  • http://www.flashlightworthybooks.com Flashlight Worthy

    A few of the uncarved ones become pie or such but mostly, sadly, they get tossed.

    I used to take them to be composted but it’s just too much weight now — either for me to transport or for the compost people to take on all at once.

    I suppose the saving grace is that if I didn’t buy them they’d end up rotting in the field. Then again, if I didn’t buy them, there’d be less demand and maybe they’d never be grown in the first place.

  • Hayley

    Thank you for this beautiful display, Peter. We came by on our way home from trick or treating on Garden Place and absolutely loved this. Great job!!!

  • http://chucktaylorblog.blogspot.com/ nystrele

    peter… saving GRACE. ha!!