Big Food Week on Montague Street

It’s been a very exciting food week for Montague Street with the opening of Oh, My Pasta and Hanco’s. And it’s just in time for Montague BID’s Summer Space next Sunday! (Ahem, The Brooklyn Bugle/BHB is a media sponsor of that event…)

Anywho, our Karl “Nom Nom Nom” Junkersfeld has checked ’em out and files a video report.

We’re also going think about bootlegging our Rosetta Stone Italian 1 discs for Mr. J.

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  • Topham Beauclerk

    BYOB at Oh My Pasta? How odd. A young waiter trying to drum up business told me that the place has a full liquor license.

    Mr J, serious foodism and a fondness for a pleasing decor are not incompatible. The place has the look of a cheap cafeteria.

  • Andrew Porter

    Big food doesn’t fit into my apartment-size refrigerator.

  • val

    Great video as always, Karl. We went tonight. Yeah, the ambience sucks. The food was pretty good, though. For a special night, I’d prefer Armando’s or Queen. But for pasta on the fly, I’d return.
    Hanco’s tomorrow.
    I hope every empty store front on Montague is filled with a decent restaurant!

  • Karl Junkersfeld

    Talked to the owner of Bevacco yesterday and he said he is aiming for opening in the next 2 weeks. The place looks fantastic and should really improve the aesthetic of that all important corner of the North Heights. No question Henry Street is somewhat of a restaurant row.

    I’ve eaten at all his other restaurants and his food is very good and price points were fantastic. Considering his location, my guess his prices may be a little higher here in the Heights. Unfortunately, that is the cost of living in the best neighborhood in NYC, high prices because of higher rents. lol

  • Chris

    When we were at Oh! My Pasta, we were told that, while they DO have a liquor license, they didn’t have the paperwork received to prove it.

  • Topham Beauclerk

    I’m reliably informed that the old laundromat on Montague will soon be a tapas bar. The place has 1,600 sq ft and the owner tells me that he’ll be spending a significant sum to make it pretty. He also tells me that as part of the renovation, he’ll restore the dilapidated garden behind Andy’s and Pink Diva (or whatever it’s called). It seems the restaurant will be leased the use of the entire garden.

  • Eddyenergizer

    Oh another attempt at a tapas bar… well I don’t mean to be negative but I just don’t think the Heights has the traffic for a tapas joint… I eat out at several genera of restaurants a couple times a week but tapas… maybe only once or twice a year. Busy neighborhoods with an active nightlife can sustain a tapas bar, i’m not feeling it here.

  • Tomas D

    The only way I can see O My Pasta survive is as a take out place. Food was good but pretentious and the place is so poorly run that Im surprised the owner and chef have the guts to come out into the dining room. We are lucky to have so many restaurants opening – We are going to try them all and find someplace a little more together

  • Lisa

    Went to Hanco’s today – it was awful. Waited over 20 minutes and never got our sandwiches, so I asked for my money back. The people working there are absolutely incompetent. All they need to do is match up people’s order numbers on their receipts with the order slip with the food, but this was clearly way too difficult as I saw a guy have to argue with the staff because someone else stole his food. I will not be going back, and I give this place 6 months in the hood before it’s out of business. Ridiculous.