Recent trends in government and politics suggests that more decisions are being rendered on a local basis as a result of grassroots involvement. Last week Brooklyn Heights began digesting the announcement that LICH will be closing the OB/GYN department and selling a number of their buildings. As a disability rights attorney and activist, perhaps I am more familiar with the squeaky wheel phenomena. In a recent BHB comment I encouraged people to demand accountability. It is time for the residents of Brooklyn Heights and the surrounding areas to squeak up!
Not very buried in the Continuum Health Partners/LICH website itself is an invitation for people to contact the entity that accredits hospitals with any concerns. The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations (JCAHO) at some point will be conducting an unannounced visit to the hospital. Concerned citizens can contact the JCAHO via mail, telephone or e-mail to schedule an appointment. Are the readers of BHB ready to act?