The Continuing Saga Of Mike’s Kosher Steakhouse

In a previous post, we parenthetically asked whatever happened to the whole Mike’s Kosher Steakhouse story. Well, It’s been over a year since Mike’s Kosher Steakhouse was shut down under a cloud of allegations — co-owner Mikel Domgjoni was arrested for attempting to molest an 18 year old waitress, and co-owner Nasser “Nando” Ghorchian accused Mikel of owing him tens of thousands of dollars. Since then, it appears that the criminal charges against Domgjoni failed to materialize, and Ghorchian owes Domgjoni, with their latest court appearance scheduled for tomorrow to conclude the arbitration.

A tipster informed us that a criminal case against Domgjoni doesn’t appear within the NYS criminal court database, but there is a civil case, Domgjoni v. Ghorchian, index number 001356/2007, filed on 1/29/2007. A court appearance is scheduled for 8/7/2008 for a motion by the plaintiff to “Vacate Stay”, (concluding the arbitration, see update below).

So what’s going on? We haven’t been able to reach anyone involved with the case yet, but I’m sure we’ll be receiving an update soon enough.

UPDATE: After speaking with Domgjoni’s attorney, the case went into arbitration a while ago, with Domgjoni being awarded an undisclosed amount of money. So consider Mikel Domgjoni vindicated.

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  • BKBS

    Is BHB becoming BHCB–Brooklyn Heights Crime Blotter? Yikes.

  • Topham Beauclerk

    Doesn’t Ghorchian own Buon Gusto? And I remember hearing that he’s married to the owner of Tazza. We need fresh blood.