A reader alerted us to this disturbing message on the Yahoo Brooklyn Heights Parents page:
This evening at 8:30pm my husband was walking on the sidewalk in front of the dormitory at 55 Clark Street and an extra-large, full can of soda fell to the ground almost hitting him on the head. It missed him by only 4 or 5 inches.
The doorman working at the building across the street said that this is a recurring problem since, apparently,there is a resident (a student?) who has been throwing/dropping soda cans out of the window attempting to hit people. My husband called the police, but when they came they said they could do nothing about it since it was not clear from exactly which room the can was thrown, and also because no one was hurt. I intend to call the precinct tomorrow to report this again, but in the meanwhile I wanted to write to warn everyone to please, please avoid walking on the side of Clark street under the dormitory, especially in the evening and especially with your children. The can was most certainly thrown from at least several stories up and could do serious damage if it were to hit a person or young child.