Open House: 63 Cranberry Street, Garden Apartment

A 1000 square foot, 2 br, 1.5 bath garden apartment on Cranberry Street will be open for viewing today (6/22) 2:30 – 4pm. Asking price is $995K with a monthly maintainence of $725. Recently renovated apartment with new kitchen according to Corcoran listing.

63 Cranberry Street, Garden [Corcoran]

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  • Bee Heights

    Way overpriced but then again it’s Corcoran….not suprised. It’s really a one bedroom. The second bedroom is really the dining room. Nice try but no thanks.

  • roccos

    I would totally buy it. But I’ve already bought something along those lines – smaller sq ft (750) 2 bedroom 725,000.00. last year right around the corner. so yeah, I’d totally buy it.

  • CJP

    Agree with Roccos. Take out the 6 percent that Corcoran gets right off the bat, take out a 10 percent low-ball offer that a desperate seller (maybe they are, maybe they’re not, but hey, you know never know; an offer is just the beginning of the dialogue…) and perhaps you could have that place for $850. The low maintenance is obviously appealing; it’s not the cost of buying, it’s the cost of owning!

    On a separate note. Why do we allow brokers to thrive in this city. Won’t it be great when the “for rent” signs go up on brokerage offices in and around New York City?

    Just seems that in an age of the internet, and in an age when newspapers are desperate for advertising, there must be cheaper and better way to buy and sell real estate. 6 percent is just extortionate. And when you think of what these guys are trying to sell for ($995,000, call it a million so I don’t have to do the math after a 22 oz Sapporo at Magita tonight) $60,000 just to list and sell an apartment seems ridiculous.

    Can anyone in or out of the brokerage business defend this kind of usury?

    And one more point to back up Roccos here. There’s a lot of crap on the market in New York City that I wouldn’t dream of living in for half the price of what the owners are hoping to sell fore.

  • Bee Heights

    Roccos is the broker. CJP the owner. Who else would be interested in this thread? Obviously not many. Just like the place for sale. Give us a break.

  • CJP

    Roccos. Dang we’re busted.

  • roccos

    haha. Not broker – though I did buy my place with the same broker the seller used – so the broker got double! owell she was worth it – helped us negotiate the board, helped close the deal from afar as we have not yet fully moved in.

    I still look though. Really haven’t found a place I like as much (except for this one)

  • LSS

    This is truly the most remarkable place I’ve ever seen in Brooklyn Heights for the price and I’ve lived here for 15 years looking at real estate. Now I live with an obese husband and nerdy assistant, two doggies and a baby in a place 75% this size and I paid 940k for this situation!!! A gorgeous home like this for a couple with or without a baby is to die for…