What’s Up on Henry Street?

This dispatch just in from a BHB tipster:

No clue what’s up, but this is on Henry btwn Remsen and Joralemon, kind of like at the mouth of Hunts Lane by the hydrant on Henry. DEP trucks are digging a hole, water’s spewing out onto Henry. Henry is closed from Remsen to Joralemon as well.

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  • bornhere

    There’s a never-ending water leak into the storage room at 245 Henry. The is DEP’s second effort in several months to address the problem. Can’t be a fun night for DEP — and can’t be a good thing for ambulances trying to get through: on my way home from work, I saw a LICH bus being forced east on Remsen. You would think DEP might move a truck to let emergency vehicles through….

    Look out, Heather. I may start a weekly “Water Blotter”!

  • http://heatherquinlan.com Heather Quinlan

    Be my guest :) And have a Happy Thanksgiving, too!

  • Joralemoner

    We just lost water at 131 Joralemon…hope everyone else is thankful for their running water today!

  • nabeguy

    @joralemoner, as long as you’re not boiling your turkey, you should be fine

  • http://selfabsorbedboomer.blogspot.com Claude Scales

    This brings to mind a story a friend told me about the time he was super of a small apartment building during his college years. His phone rang, and a woman who lived there said, “Andy, I just lost my water.” Forgetting that she was pregnant and near her due date, Andy asked if the pressure was different in the bathroom and in the kitchen.

  • carol

    We, too, lost water service in the middle of cooking Thanksgiving dinner. A+ to DEP who restored service in two hours. C- to 311 who took the call, couldn’t say what was going on but promised that a specialist would call back. No one did.

  • T.K. Small

    I just came back from a roll around the neighborhood. It seems like they have installed a replacement/temporary hydrant.

  • aloucha

    Posted my mini-documentary of the event on the BHB photo club page on FLICKR. No activity today as far as I can tell.