There was no surprise at this afternoon’s meeting of the Brooklyn Bridge Park Corporation’s board of directors. After a presentation by the Corporation’s president, Regina Myer, that duplicated the one she gave at the community meeting on Monday, and after her briefly summarizing the comments made at that meeting, which she described as being split about 50-50 between those favoring adaptive re-use of the Tobacco Warehouse as a year-round arts venue and those opposing it, the chair entertained a motion to accept the recommendation that St. Ann’s Warehouse be conditionally designated the party to develop the site. In the ensuing discussion, the only board members to speak against the motion were the representatives of Councilmember Steve Levin, Assemblymember Joan Millman, and State Senator Daniel Squadron, all of whom objected to the lack of transparency and public input in the process leading to the designation. The motion carried on a voice vote.
In other business, the board unanimously accepted the bid of HNTB Engineering & Architecture to do the design and engineering work for the pedestrian bridge from Squibb Playground to Pier 1. The board also approved two new members of the Community Advisory Council, one of whom is Heights resident Tony Manheim.