This Year, Get Her a Naughty Shakespeare Mug

The displays at CVS tell me it’s that time of the year again, and since I used up all my great gift giving ideas back in 1995, I’m always on the lookout for something a little different. As luck would have it, while investigating the story behind La Mancha this morning, I happened upon a group of men unloading crate after crate of puppets that looked like Sigmund Freud. Turns out they’re part of a company called The Unemployed Philosophers Guild, dedicated to spreading the word of scientists, philosophers and artists through puppets, sticky notes and even breath mints. Though they’re based on Atlantic Ave., the UPG are selling their wares online and at Union Square. I personally liked the Naughty Shakespeare Mug, where a phrase like “Pick the Lock” can seem as spicy as a freshly-ground Kenyan blend. More can be found here. Happy shopping!

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  • Claude Scales

    When I was in college, we referred to the sin of Onan as “making the beast with one back”.