Heights-Based Blog Wants You (and your recipes)

logoDo you live in Brooklyn Heights? Do you cook? Are you going through a breakup? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then we’d love to have you as part in the Breakup Cookbook, a Heights-based blog where we teach catharsis through cooking. We’re looking for recipes, people who’d like to cook on video, and info on the (don’t laugh) singles scene in Brooklyn Heights. (When I posed this question a few months ago, the answers I got were mostly, “The grannies clipping coupons at Key Food.” Maybe we can do better than that? Or maybe not …)

For more information, here is Rocco making risotto—you may recognize him from the Fabio Scalia Salon. We love him, and not just for his risotto. So if you’re interested in any of the above, or would like to have me film you in your Cuisinart glory, drop me a line at hquinlan at nyc.rr.com. You too may be featured on the Brooklyn Heights Blog. Bon appétit!

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