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Have a room you want to fix up? Want some friendly competition with your neighbors? You could be on HGTV’s newest home renovation series, Battle on the Block. Get the details at Cobble Hill Blog.

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  • David

    And I’m to believe some cable network channel is going to help make my life better? Look what they did to Jon Gosselin! “Oh great, look at my neighbors curtains. Aren’t they sparkly!” What’s next? The government designing my house? It makes me sick.

  • nabeguy

    David, your posts are starting to get much darker than your films.

  • AEB

    Ah, yes–government: the living Satan.

    The reason to be…dubious about this deal is striking a deal with the real Satan: TV.

  • nabeguy

    Wait a minute? Are you telling me that the Occult gathering on the Promenade was a simulcast? No wonder the Dark Lord bore such a striking resemblance to Simon Cowell.

  • AEB

    Ha, nabe! Actually, the occult rendezvous was strictly pay-per-view, though the form of currency involved is still being debated. The final choice will, I think, be souls.