National Grid – No, I Do Not Want to Take Your Survey

Pardon me for not being curious enough to hunt down execs at National Grid to ask why their reps keep calling to get me to participate in a customer survey.  Latest call came in at 9:36pm tonight.  Anyone else getting these calls?  Do you think they’re annoying?

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  • matt

    Vendetta-blogging is truly my favorite type of blogging!

  • nate

    All the time. Finally asked them to remove me from the list and didn’t receive any more calls.

  • AEB

    National Grid has to be the most bone-headed, mickey mouse, all-around bleeped-up operation EVAH!

    Try to pay your bill online? I don’t think so! Try to pay your bill via phone? How many days can you spare?

    A recent gas leak in my building resulted in two National Grid workpersons coming around without the means to do anything except check for ambient gas, which indeed there was.

    The fire department had to be called to break down a door and find the source of the leak. (Of course, they arrived twenty-three strong with picks, axes, catapults, buzz-saws, even–I believe–a small nuclear device, which fortunately they didn’t deploy. Not to mention dozens of trucks and at least six dalmatians.) But firemen rule, don’t they?

    Moral: if you want to be happy for the rest of your life, have as little to do with NG as possible. Fat chance, when it’s the only game in the burg.

  • Arch Stanton

    Next time they call me I’m going to tell them they suck and I wish I could go back toBrooklyn Union Gas…