Tisha b’Av Lesson in Film

Tisha b'Av, the annual Jewish fast day, ends tonight at sunset. During their day of reflection, members of Chabad of Brooklyn Heights watched a screening of the documentary Paperclips.  The 2004 film recounts the story of students at a Tennessee middle school who set out to represent and understand the magnitude of the Holocaust by collecting one paperclip for each soul lost. 

Chabad Lubavitch Global Network: “When it comes to sadness, people turn up to support each other,” said Rabbi Ari Raskin of Chabad of Brooklyn Heights. He anticipates that bigger crowds for Tisha b’Av may be a growing trend. “People used to wish each other an easy fast. Now they say, ‘have a meaningful fast.’ A lot of these rituals are become much more accessible, and much more practiced.”

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