Fall Foliage

BHB photo by C. Scales

BHB photo by C. Scales

A maple tree near the Promenade provides a splash of autumn color.

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  • Andrew Porter

    The northernmost of the two maple trees on the Promenade always changes first; it’s the one in front of the semi-abandoned building on Columbia Heights. The other maple, about half a block down, usually changes anywhere from 2 weeks to a month later. I have no idea why.

  • GHB

    Because it’s further north…

  • Andrew Porter

    You’re right — that more northerly tree is actually in Montreal. How silly of me to forget….

  • http://selfabsorbedboomer.blogspot.com Claude Scales

    Had I turned my camera slightly to the left, you could see the “Bienvenue au Canada” sign.