L&B Spumoni Gardens May Open on Old Fulton in September

The 46 Old Fulton Street location (Photo: Mary Frost, Brooklyn Eagle) of the renowned Gravesend Sicilian pizza restaurant L&B Spumoni Gardens may, according to Mary Frost in the Brooklyn Eagle, open as soon as this September. It was expected to open as long ago as 2020 but, as the Eagle story notes, there have been repeated delays that the owners attribute to the city’s Department of Buildings’ having required many changes, in one instance having issued a stop work order. Frost spoke to a “supervisor at the site”; based on what she was told she wrote, “[T]he long-awaited moment for devotees of the thick, square pizza slices could come as early as September.”

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  • Pizza the Hut

    I hope it’s not like those “Patsy’s” that have opened up around the city that serve something they call pizza but is nothing like the original Patsy’s

  • http://selfabsorbedboomer.blogspot.com/ Claude Scales

    There is only one L&B Spumoni Gardens, which has been doing business in Gravesend for over fifty years. This one is owned and will be run by the same people, serving the same pizza.

    I remember, back when I lived in the Village in the 70s and early 80s, there were Ray's, Real Ray's, Original Ray's, and Real Original Ray's. I guess a similar thing happened with Patsy's.

  • Jorale-man

    It should do well there if it ever opens. There's always a line outside Grimaldi's and the place next door to it seems to take in the spillover crowd. People probably work up an appetite after walking across the Brooklyn Bridge.

  • fultonferryres

    The “place next door” is Juliana’s, which happens to be owned by Patsy Grimaldi, and it’s way better than Grimaldi’s, which most locals can attest to.

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7nPOzGeyaw Arch Stanton

    I hope they sell their Spumoni there and not just Pizza.

  • Jorale-man

    Eh, never heard of it.

  • http://selfabsorbedboomer.blogspot.com/ Claude Scales

    I'm pretty sure that's the plan.

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7nPOzGeyaw Arch Stanton

    Good, because their pizza while excellent, isn't better than Fascati's IMHO. But their Spumoni is amazing, especially the Pistachio!

  • http://selfabsorbedboomer.blogspot.com/ Claude Scales

    I love pistachio; can't wait.

  • Bornhere

    Naming rights became a hassle, and after years and years, Patsy decided to invoke his mom and name the place for her.

  • Still Here

    L&B pizza is very different than the other three offerings on the block. It will round out the selections. They did a test bake last year and it was genuine L&B. It will also have a full kitchen so chicken parm will also arrive in Fulton Landing.