According to the 84th Precinct's latest CompStat figures, overall crime in the area has not increased. However, while the overall number of crimes committed in the week of 7/8 – 7/15 is the same as in 2006 there was a 100% increase in felonious assault and burglaries and a 23% increase in Grand Larceny. Hardly a trend considering that we're talking numbers in the single and low two digits here. But nevertheless the nabe zeitgeist is buzzing with a feeling that the bad guys are a little more active than usual:
Dear BHB,
I would like to inform you that my car has been broken into twice in the past week in Brooklyn Heights (Pierrepont and Willow Streets). A friend of mine also had her car broken into in the exact same fashion (small rear passenger window either smashed or pried out). Additionally, a garage attendant at the Love Lane garage has stated that several customers have complained of the same thing recently.
Perhaps you can post something – so that others can be on the lookout/ ensure they have their vehicles properly secured?
I have filed police reports, however, this type of crime prevention is not likely to be on the top of the PD's to do list (although I am in no way complaining about their response). Perhaps a posting on your cite could help in some small way.
I would appreciate it if you do not disclose my name or identity if you do decide to post something.
Thanks for your time and consideration
A concerned resident