Cottonball Clouds

BHB reader John Nathan sent us this photo of post storm clouds as seen from Montague Street tonight.

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  • AEB

    PINK cottonball clouds….

  • renato

    Beautiful !!!!
    thank you!

  • Me

    I watched these with my kids last night, so beautiful.

  • sacha

    something unnatural about these clouds. have any more pics?

  • bornhere

    There are some spectacular pictures on gothamist.

  • Julia
  • AEB

    They’re called mammatus clouds, apparently. See here:

  • nabeguy

    I had the great fortune of standing with my daughter on the pier across from Fairway last night and watching the sun set in the west as these incredible clouds rolled by at the same time that lightning flashed across the darkening eastern skies from the departing storm. It looked as someone had broken a gigantic lava lamp in the heavens and then melted a box of Crayola’s over it.