And the Clark St. Elevator Survey Says…

Earlier this fall, the Brooklyn Heights Association solicited opinions about the upcoming elevator replacement at the Clark Street subway station.

This week, the BHA shared the results.

OF the 687 responses received, 62% preferred replacing the elevators one at a time over the course of about two years. Thirty-eight per-cent preferred an eight-month, full-closure of the station so that all the elevators can be repaired at the same time.

 “While the great majority (86%) of survey respondents completed the survey at the station or online, it is worth noting that of the 14% who completed the survey at the end of the public meeting, 79% favored full closure, compared with only 24% of those who completed the survey at the station, and 33% who completed it online.”

You can read the full report here if you are so inclined (I did not).

Wrote the BHA in its e-mail with the report results:

“The BHA recognizes that there will be adverse effects on the neighborhood no matter which option is chosen, but we also recognize the imperative to replace the obsolete elevators and do it soon.

We appreciate the effort both NYCT and our electeds have undertaken in order to solicit public opinion – and we now ask that NYCT take seriously what community members are saying regarding their preferences. Above all, we expect transparent decision-making regarding the station going forward. We remain committed to working with the NYCT, elected officials, and other stakeholders to mitigate the negative impacts the elevator replacement process will have on local businesses and residents. We would love to hear your thoughts about how the BHA can work with NYC officials to mitigate the impact on our neighborhood.”

What say you? Short-term acute closure pain or longer-term chronic closure pain?

Photo credit: DanTD via Wikimedia Commons. Used with permission,




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  • Reggie

    Actually, I think local elected officials prepared the survey and tabulated the results. Unless I am mistaken, the BHA simply announced that the survey was out there for anyone that is interested.

  • Lara Birnback

    Yes! Thanks Reggie. The BHA didn’t create the survey or analyze the data, but we did help spread the word and encouraged people to participate.

  • Knight

    It seems to me that our elected representatives are in favor (as is Andy Byford) of a full 8-month closure. Their analysis of the results basically says that 79% of the people who have heard all the relevant facts are in favor of it. I will be very surprised if the longer, one-at-a-time approach is taken.

  • Mike Suko

    Am I being overly cynical in wondering how many of the “voters” at the meeting were in Byford’s retinue. This is spin doctoring – vote rigging, really – beyond belief. [And this was NOT a well-attended meeting, so 20? votes will lead to inconvenience for tens of thousands for months?! … Good as Byford is, the MTA rivals Albany for champion of self-dealing and screwing the public.]

    Yes, most people who use Clark Street work and/or have family obligations and would no sooner attend this kind of meeting than they would bunjee jump. Even more of them – sad but true and IMPORTANT – probably were unaware of the “poll” and would find the usual 3 lame reasons not to bother participating.

    Still you have a strong majority favoring “lane by lane” or its equivalent. Remember, “electeds,” many of those non-attendees-at-PPT-talks DO actually take the trouble to vote … and sending them walking to Boro Hall for 8 months (minimum) will probably lead them to back your primary challenger if you put the MTA’s “needs” ahead of its users’.

  • Arch Stanton

    It’s a no-brainer, full closure is the best way to go. A piecemeal “one at a time” approach would take much longer and be subject to random full-shutdowns anyway, imagine how annoying that would be.