Concord Market to open in May

(BHB/Sarah Portlock)

(BHB/Sarah Portlock)

It’s been a long year without a grocery store for Concord Village residents, but by mid-May, Concord Market will finally open for business.

Last July, the Associated supermarket at the corner of Tillary and Jay streets closed amid health department concerns and allegations of general mismanagement. The Concord Village Board of Directors started looking for a new tenant, and local entrepreneur Victor Vora stepped up.

The new store has been completely renovated, and has big glass windows along its storefront and new refrigeration and electricity systems — and Concord Village residents can hardly wait, said Board President Helen Pearlstein.

“It’s been very frustrating for the residents here not to have a local market, especially if you need a quart of milk or something — that’s the convenience of it,” Pearlstein said.

The new market will have a deli and hot foods section, and will deliver to Concord Village residents, said Pearlstein. The company will survey residents via the community’s website and mail in the coming weeks to see what else is needed and wanted in the community.

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  • AEB

    When, several years ago, I was trying to find an apartment in BH, and had absolutely no sense of it, I was taken by an unctuous realtor (redundant?) to see a place in Concord Village–which immediately impressed me as one of those places that time had forgotten.

    Anyway, the realtor advertised it as being a part of BH–but subsequently I’ve learned/understood that, technically at least, it isn’t.

    Is there some consensus among posters about what nabe it’s actually a part of?

  • GHB


  • nabeguy

    It’s part of BAMBI –
    Brooklyn And Manhattan Bridge In-between

  • AEB

    BAMBI–wasn’t that a fawn with designer eyes?

  • BI

    What, we aren’t even RAMBO (Right After Manhattan Bridge Overpass)?

    At the end of the day, we are zoned for PS8…

  • Ogre

    Let it be known that, for many, “young families” is not an amenity.

  • soulman

    Dear Ogre,

    I feel sorry for you. Perhaps you will not have to put up with young families for long. You need a rest. A long one.

  • freshair

    Concord Village is like a secret garden, once you discover it, you’ll fall in love with it.

  • TC

    I just left the Atlantic veggie mart. I gave the guy $10 to pay for my $4 items. He was lightening quick with the register and gave me 49cents back in change.

    I told him that I am due $5 back. He told me that I was wrong and made a scene. Normally, I would just forget about it — but we are in a recession. I refused to leave and insisted that I get my correct change. There was a line of customers behind me. He THREW the correct change ($5) on the counter. I was humiliated and walked out.

    I’m home and have checked my receipts from today’s outings. I was correct. His register would have been $5 over.

    That market and Trader Joe’s is a destination for me. I don’t know whether to let this incident fade or do I bring it up the next time I visit. Is it worth it? I don’t want to burn bridges at my favorite store.

  • nabeguy

    Next time, initial your bills so they can’t claim that you gave them a 5 instead of a 10. Of course, if you were sneaky, you could pull the Paper Moon trick.