St. Ann’s Middle School Head Resigns; School Investigating Allegations Involving Others Going Back Many Years

Buzz Feed reports that the former head of the middle school at St. Ann’s School resigned following reports that he had given parties at which students, though no current students, and recent alumni under legal drinking age had been served or allowed to consume alcohol and to smoke marijuana.

According to the Buzz Feed story, which quotes a letter sent in October 2017 to members of the St. Ann’s community by school head Vince Tompkins and Board of Trustees chair Jonathan Weld, the school is investigating allegations of “inappropriate physical contact with students by past employees of the school.” The letter said that the allegations “are to date small in number, and do not extend to any current administrators, faculty, staff or students.” The alleged incidents were said to have occurred in the 1990s or before; a later letter from Tompkins said they extended back as far as the 1960s.

Buzz Feed further quotes Tompkins and Weld in their October letter: “To distort the boundaries of the student-teacher relationship is antithetical to our school’s most deeply-held values and undermines the foundations of our educational mission … Such behavior is not, and will not be, tolerated at Saint Ann’s.”

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