Class Size Matters to Hold Press Conference This Thursday

Class Size Matters, is scheduled to hold a press conference this Thursday, June 18th at 1:00 pm at City Hall in Lower Manhattan about the need for an expanded capital plan to alleviate school overcrowding.   As previously reported, the organization wrote a joint letter with Public Advocate, Letitia James to Mayor De Blasio and Chancellor Farina.  Drawing on data from Comptroller, Scott Stringer’s audit of the DOE response to overcrowding and Class Size Matters’ Space Crunch report, the letter calls upon the administration to double new school seat capacity in the DOE’s five-year Capital Plan.

An amendment to the five-year Capital plan will be voted upon at the next Panel for Education Policy (PEP) meeting on June 23rd. The meeting format allows for public comments prior to the vote.

 Class Size Matters Fact Sheet



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