Mews News: Only Five Remain At Ambitious Love Lane Condo Complex

Since the condo development at Love Lane Mews launched in early 2011, units have moved at a fairly rapid clip. A broker with the complex tells Brownstoner that a 3-bedroom, 2-bath penthouse apartment recently sold for $2.725M. Note that at $1,482 per square foot, this is the highest price per square foot to date for a Brooklyn Heights residential property. The unit is 1,839/sf with an additional 869/sf of private outdoor space.

Last June, the Mews at 9 College Place and Love Lane was 65% sold—and now only five of the original 38 units remain, including another penthouse duplex unit asking $4,565,000. (Photo: CT)

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  • Rpb36

    What’s the source for the “highest price per square foot to date for a residential property in Brooklyn Heights”? You’re just copying mistakes from other blogs.

    Just as example, the Truman Capote house and the mansion on Columbia Heights, both of which sold in 2012, were at per-square-foot prices much higher than any Love Lane Mews condo.

  • Dean Collins

    lol @ only 5 left…..

  • Gerry

    We miss the Love Lane parking garage I wish the garage had become a parking condominium.
    All this time and 5 units remain unsold tells many that this place has its drawbacks – but at least its not in a flood zone y’all know how we feel about living in flood zones. Good luck to unload the remaining 5 homes keep an eye out for drastic price cuts.

  • Excuse Me?

    LOL! “Selling at a rapid clip..,” “… only five left???” So rapid, that two years after going on sale there are still five left? In a building with what, 12 units? And they call the top unit in a low level (three story) former garage a “penthouse?” What is the view from this vaunted “penthouse?” CVS’s garbage dump or the lovely bowels of CVS itself out front of the penthouse? Or is it the view into the neighbor’s apartments surrounding this building on every side? Please. Did the hapless developer by any chance write this laughable fiction? I don’t want to seem cruel, but this former garage was a garage for a very good reason: it is sited in possibly the worst location int he North Heights! So, enough of the marketing / PR BS. Just a suggestion.