Why We Love Brooklyn Heights…

Good evening… A panoramic view from the Montague Street entrance to the almighty Promenade, Sunday 7 p.m., during this clear, crisp 40-dgree eve. We who call the Heights home are pretty fortunate, yes?
(taken with Nikon D5000 by Chuck Taylor)

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  • http://selfabsorbedboomer.blogspot.com Claude Scales


  • fernolivia

    Absolutely, yes. I love stepping out of my apartment and seeing this truly special, sensational city.
    Brooklyn Heights is an amazing place to live, this is for sure.
    Thank you for sharing this picture, Chuck Taylor!

  • Ginny

    Yes. Couldn’t agree more. Great picture!

  • AmyinBH

    We have one of the greatest city views in the world.

  • BronxKid

    Great photo…..and this one I could see.

  • Andrew Porter

    You missed the beautiful bikini-clad model standing on a bench, just north of the Montague Street entrance to the Promenade, posing while freezing to death, at about 5:30 the same evening.

    Good sunset, too.